Monday, September 26, 2011

Compiling error messages

; expected - caused by a missing semicolon or missing concatenation operator.
class not found - class is not public, there is a syntax error above the class declaration, the class does not have the correct case
possible loss of precision - an int was set to be a double or a float
statement expected - missing closing brace in a method
{ expected - missing opening brace or an extra semicolon before error spot
} expected - missing closing brace at the end of a class or method, there is code not inside a method

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Notes from 9/1/11

An interpreted language translates from source code into machine code every time it is run.
A compiled language translates source code into machine code once (compiles) and then can run many times.

Software layers
Operationg system (which moves the cursor, executes apps, manages windows and files, etc.)
Device Drivers (the link between hardware and the operating system)
BIOS, filmware (Basic Imput Output Source/System or something)

Console application - a program with a simple text user interface
GUI - Graphical User Interface - includes graphics, menus, buttoms, etc.
OOP - Object-Oriented Programming

Things software developers do:
Research, e.g. absorb and use emerging technical information
Design, e.g. understand and devise effective algorithms
Debugging, e.g. diagnose and correct programming errors
Developing, e.g. be proficient with the syntax and style of programming languages

Software development has changed by...
utilizing new hardware/devices such as touch screens, more powerful machines which can run longer/more complicated code, store more data such as pictures, music, and videos, and multitask/switch from one thing to another rapidly giving the illusion that the two (or more) are happening simultaneously.
Software now has more security, is more user-friendly, and can accomodate multiple users.

Embedded system - software in devices other than computers, such as cars, phones, planes, etc.)

//basic Java program
pulic class MyClass{

          Public static void main(string[]args){
            System.out.println("Hello Class);

Notes on Java:
class - category of object
public - anyone can access
private - only accessible within that class
method signature=function definition
semicolon - end of piece of code

Name of file has to match class name. Make the file plain text.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


First I interviewed David Ma who was sitting next to me, who said he was taking this course because he is a magnet student. He said he has programming experience from his middle school, Takoma, and he also took Ms. Pipers Computer Science class. When asked about what type of programs he was interested in, he said he was interested in making a program that would be beneficial to his grade in this class. He also said the most difficult parts of programming were starting. and finishing. and the middle stuff. Examples and figuring out himself help David learn.
Next I interviewed Simeon Kakpovi, who said he took ADSA because he said he was enthusiastic about learning programming, and then we were interrupted.